Jorel's Blog

Chess + Poker = ???

Today I write about a new game that involves chess and poker. Today’s the day. The biggest chess tournament that I attend annually - The BUCA (British Universities’ Chess Association) Tournament. ...

Overcoming NixOS Problems

Not everything is perfect when it comes to a fresh NixOS installation. Today I ramble on about the problems I’ve encountered and how I overcame them in NixOS. It’s been about a week and a half sin...

Reflection for Java Beginners

This tutorial outlines how to use reflection in Java for complete beginners. Overview & Aims In this tutorial, we will cover: What reflection is How to use reflection to bypass access m...

Chess Arbiter Tournament

I write about my experience in arbitrating my first chess tournament. (I highly recommend reading my previous post “A Chess Arbiter’s Course” before reading this post) Foreword After passing the ...

Running my blog on NixOS

Today, I write about how I solved running a local jekyll server, specifically for GitHub pages, on NixOS, in order to view my blog posts before publishing. My blog is powered by GitHub pages, whic...

Switching to NixOS

My journey of installing the NixOS Linux distro on my primary laptop, which all started from my hatred for the Haskell IDE Engine. This week, I completed some coursework for one of the modules tha...

Java's Annotation RetentionPolicy.SOURCE

I delve into the details of Java’s RetentionPolicy for Annotations and take an in depth look into the uses of annotations with the SOURCE Retention Policy. What is an Annotation? Simply put, an a...

Leading A Software Project

I decide to take a leading role in my second year software engineering group coursework project. Upon arriving back to university after a well relaxed and unproductive Christmas holiday, I flick t...

The best apps for a rooted Android phone

Despite having rooted my phone a number of times, I have never been able to find a coherent list of apps which take advantage of the features of a rooted phone. Today, I outline the list of apps wh...

A Chess Arbiter's Course

Today, I partake in a chess arbiter course in order to become a chess arbiter. When discussing about my plans to partake in a chess arbiter course, most people asked me the following question: ...