Jorel's Blog

A Silent Voice - Review

A friend recommended that I watch A Silent Voice. Even though it was the only anime-style film they had ever seen before, they said that it was definitely worth a watch. I followed through and this...

Creating a fun 404 page

Error 404 - Page Not Found. The most famous error message in the world. I think it’s about time I made a better 404 page! The 404, page not found, error message crops up when browsing the web when...

Messenger vs Messenger lite

I predominantly use Facebook Messenger to contact friends and family. A few days ago, I discovered Facebook Messenger Lite - a lightweight form of the Facebook Messenger app for Android only. I dec...

The most difficult climb

A few weeks ago, I undertook a rock climbing course with my flat mate in order to climb without an instructor. Today, I completed what I like to call “the most difficult climb”. First things first...

How to create Blockly blocks

After my previous post, I want to explain a little more on how I create those Blockly blocks. To do so, I’m providing an example of adding the ability to let a Minecraft player perform a command. I...

Programming for non-programmers

When my elder brother had introduced me to Minecraft, I thought it was the greatest game ever. Two years after that, I discovered the Bukkit API and taught myself how to use it to create server plu...

Why Minecraft's 12 block piston limit exists

For those that don’t know, I’ve been playing Minecraft for over 5 years and I enjoy creating nonsense in Java to add random little features for Minecraft servers. This time, I took things a little ...

It's all gone wrong

Japanese Speaking exam. Just like any other speaking exam at GCSE level, it’s a nervous task which must be overcome. But what do you do when it all goes wrong? I arrive outside the examination roo...

Fast Learning - You Can Do It!

It’s that dreaded time of the year: Exam Season. That time when you’ve been procrastinating and taking things easy by going to the cinema with your friends and watching TV with your flatmates. The ...

Creating a blog

Let’s create a blog. How hard can it be? Everyone has blogs these days, why not make my own to contribute to society? Let’s open up Google and start with the simple “How to make a blog”. wix.c...